mercredi 12 juillet 2017

Gynura aurantiaca

Le genre prête à confusion pour le référencement des espèces botaniques. Le tableau ci-dessous présente les deux seules espèces cultivées. Afrique en zone tropicale (dont le Kenya), voir détail floraison voir photo ci-contre. If you do not allow waterlogging and wetting of leaves, the disease “bluebird” is not terrible.

But pests are much more common. It is impossible to fight against insects washing, it is better to use insecticides at once.

But do not forget about the correction of care, which will act as a preventive measure. Leaves, stems, and bracts are dark green, covered with soft purple hairs that impart a velvety feeling to the plant. One plant can produce 1-flower heads, each on its own flower stalk.

Température : 15°C - 20°C Exposition : Sole. Pour humidifier l’air, poser le pot de gynura (G. aurantiaca) sur des billes d’argile maintenues humides en permanence. Arroser plutôt dans la soucoupe, environ une fois par semaine en hiver. Une température assez fraîche, de à 20°C, lui convient, ainsi qu’une lumière tamisée, sans soleil direct qui brûle les feuilles. Try this purple passion plant – gynura aurantiaca.

This distinctive plant has velvety leaves with slightly raised hairs on greenish purple stems.

Common names of this plant are purple velvet plant, purple velvet vine, and purple passion plant. Its interesting leaf coloration and relatively easy care make it a great addition to any colorful houseplant collection. Attention liste brute conten. This plant is commonly known as purple passion because of the velvety purple leaves. It is a woody-based evergreen perennial that is noted for its velvety, purple-haired foliage.

In its native habitat, it will grow to 2’ tall and spread to 4’ wide over time. Coarsely-toothe ovate to elliptic, green leaves (to 8” long) are covered with reddish-purple hairs. Gynura calciphila var. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Native Introduced Native and Introduced.

Interpreting Wetland Status. The purple velvet plant , or gynura aurantiaca , is one of the most unique houseplants you can grow. This is due to the odd velvety purplish hairs that it produces on its green leaves. Add the weird-smelling orange flowers to the equation and you have quite.

The oval leaves are olive-green and thickly covered with purple hairs, which give it a velvety texture. This species is upright but as it gets tall it becomes rambling. Partial sun to shade, temp.

This makes it fun in hanging baskets, as well as trained.

This attractive plant can grow up inches tall, the stems sometimes growing straight up but other times reclining against other objects when stems can reach 6. Its leaves really are as purple as shown in our picture ! If you like the unusual and extravagant, you will thrilled by this easy-to-care-for plant. Grown as a houseplant in cooler climes, they have toothed leaves, and a scrambling or trailing habit. The flowers are orange or yellow, and have an unpleasant smell.

It usually grows to around 1m tall, but if given support, can reach 3m. It has dark green leaves and.

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